Outbound Call Center

The outgoing calls made by the call centers to the new or existing customers are known as the outbound calls. The agents call the customers to promote your business and to answer the queries or concerns related to the purchases they have made. Outbound call services can be used to provide additional information on existing products and services to your customers. You can use outbound call center services for fundraising calls.

What THS Offers

THS offers services that are highly suitable to any of your business needs means we customize our services according to what requirements of our clients. We serve you in many fields from the healthcare industry to online marketing, renewal of subscriptions, legal marketing, and so on. THS make such outbound calls to prospective customers, to build their interest in a product or service that their clients are willing for.

  • Email campaign follow-ups

  • For doing market research

  • Recommendations for a product based on the history of purchase

  • Acknowledging for account receivables

What You Achieve

Outbound calling develops a more direct relationship between customers and clients and generates more sales and clickthrough rates. Outbound calling creates personal interaction between both parties resulting in long-term benefits. Customer care is very important to your business's success and future growth, therefore THS ensure you reach out to your customers in a professional manner and inform them about your company’s product and services. We offer our services to companies all around the world without the hindrance of language or time.